1. 教育部公佈十二年國教的配套措施,將協助國中生更瞭解技職教育的多元升學管道,100學年度起將在全國919所國中舉辦技職宣導說明會,讓國二學生到鄰近高職、技職校院參訪,進行實作體驗,並協助國三學生依興趣性向,做好適性選擇。

The Ministry of Education announces the supporting measures for 12-year-complusry education program which will help junior high school students with realizing diversified entrance for technological and vocational education. The seminars for relevant promotion will be held in the nine hundred and nineteen junior high schools from academic year 100th making students of the 2nd grade of junior high school be able to experience practical activities and assist the students of the 3rd grade of junior high school to make proper decision by considering their interests.

2. 立法院司法及法制委員會,初審通過教育人員任用條例第31條修正動議,如果教育人員未依規定通報,或隱匿校園性侵害事件,可以免職或解聘。另外,曾經犯性侵害犯罪防治法第2條並經判刑確定者,不得任用為教育人員;希望杜絕性侵害犯行加害人進入校園,並落實教育人員通報校園性侵案件的責任。

Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee passes the 31st motion of amendment for the employment regulation of educational personnel during the first trial. The personnel will be removed from their office if they don’t report sexual abuse cases according to relevant regulation or try to hide them without reporting to the controlling organizations. Additionally, the criminals who are declared guilty by the 2nd article of sexual abuse control law will never be employed by teaching positions. It hopes to keep the criminals of sexual abuse from campus and take responsibility for the reporting system.


The general regulation for elementary school principal selection in 2012 is revealed on the website of 七賢 Elementary School and the Ministry of Education. The application will be handled for two days from November 15th, and the written test will be held on December 31st. Education Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government specially reminds people who are interested in the selection to download the regulation and relevant documents. Twenty-three test takers are expected to be selected and two vacancies for indigenous people’s priority will be additionally included.

4. 新北市新住民重點學校興南國小,今年暑假讓老師鄭秀麗跟著新住民學生,一起到越南的外婆家居住20天,深入了解新住民母國文化;外婆家的熱情款待,讓老師和孩子在離別前都哭紅雙眼。回臺後,鄭秀麗以越南生活編寫相關教案,讓學生認識越南文化。

興南 elementary school of New Taipei City which pays attention to immigrant residents’ living let teacher 鄭秀麗 follow a student of immigrant resident to his grandmother’s house in Vietnam for twenty days to deeply realize the local culture. With the great deal of hospitality of the grandmother, teacher 鄭 and the student cried when they say goodbye to the grandmother. After coming back to Taiwan , teacher 鄭 compiles and writes teaching programs relating to the living in Vietnam making students know more about the culture.

5. 國民健康局積極推動「健康100 臺灣動起來」健康體重管理計畫,獲得全國22縣市66萬人的熱烈參與,總計全國減重達到938.2公噸。國民健康局局長邱淑媞相信經由這次全國努力達成的減重成果,可以讓國人學會如何飲食、運動,活得更健康。

Bureau of Health Promotion is positively promoting a program of body weight management for enhancing health which receives six hundred and sixty thousand people’s participation from twenty-two counties and cities. Nine hundred thirty-eight point two metric tons of body weights are expected to be reduced. The director of the bureau 邱淑媞 believes that people will know how to eat, take exercise, and live healthier by achieving the goal of reducing weight by this program.

6. 阿里山森林鐵路,今年4月發生小火車翻覆意外,列車全線停駛檢修,嘉義林管處完成行車安全改善項目後,祝山線今天(27)清晨恢復行駛。阿里山是國內重要觀光景點,祝山線回復正常營運,有助於紓解遊客登祝山觀賞日出的體能與時間上的壓力。

The train accident happened in forest railroad of阿里山 in this April led to the suspension of operation of the whole railroad for examination and repair.嘉義 Forest District Office returned 祝山 line to the normal state in this morning after completing the works of improving traffic safety. 阿里山 is an important scenic spot in Taiwan. The recovery of 祝山 line will be helpful to relieve the pressure of physical ability and time of the tourists.

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