1. 教育部推展特色學校,鼓勵學校整合校園及在地特色資源,形成跨校特色聯盟及在地遊學,為展現特色學校的成果,教育部與國家教育研究院10月22、23號將在鶯歌陶瓷博物館舉辦成果發表會,除了特色學校外,也有體制外的理念實驗學校、公辦民營學校及民間創擬學校共同參與,展現教育多元面貌。

The program to promote schools with specialties held by the Ministry of Education is to encourage them to integrate resources of campus and local specialties for forming alliances or developing local studying tours. MOE will cooperate with National Academy for Educational Research to hold a presentation of result for the program at 鶯歌 Ceramics Museum on October 22nd and 23rd. Including the schools with specialties, some experimental schools, the schools owned by public but operated by private sector, and non-governmental schools will take part in it to show the diversification of education.

2. 「我國頂尖大學策略聯盟」,昨天(19)和美國麻省理工學院簽署「人才培育及學術交流合作」備忘錄,麻省理工學院將協助培育我國頂大選送優秀人才共45名,雙方5年內共同推動學者互訪、研究等,這是「我國頂尖大學策略聯盟」繼美國柏克萊加州大學、芝加哥大學、哈佛大學及英國帝國大學之後,第5所簽約合作的國外頂尖大學。

The strategic alliance for top universities signed a memorandum with Massachusetts Institute of Technology for talent-cultivating and academic communication yesterday. MIT will support the top universities of Taiwan for selecting forty-five excellent talents to process visit-exchanging and research-promoting for five years. Followed by UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, Harvard University, and Imperial College, this is the 5th top university overseas for Taiwan to sign a cooperative contract for academic interaction.

3. 立委趙麗雲表示,部分學校仍然有超收學生代收代辦費不合理的現象,她擔心政府將推動12年國教,如果學校的代收代辦費過於浮濫,恐怕會影響孩子的受教權。教育部次長陳益興表示,教育部將在1個月內,全面針對學校收取費用的缺失進行導正。

Legislator 趙麗雲 indicates that the situation that part of schools let students overpay handling charge still exists. She worries that the unreasonable payment may badly affect the students’ rights of being educated when government is promoting 12-year compulsory education. Vice minister of MOE 陳益興 says that the Ministry of Education will deal with the payment issue and correct it within one month.

4. 「屏東縣100年度防災教育計畫」已經完成防災教材及避難地圖,屏東縣長曹啟鴻表示,防災教材及地圖將發送國中小學校、防災單位,作為教學訓練參考,讓學童從小養成防災觀念。

The teaching materials and map for seeking refuge for the educational program of disaster-prevention for 屏東 County has been completed. The magistrate曹啟鴻 says the teaching materials and maps will be sent to elementary schools, junior high schools and associations for disaster prevention for reference of teaching training. By sending the materials and maps, it hopes to let students form correct conception toward disaster prevention.

5. 經濟部昨天(19)舉行「100年節約能源表揚大會」,共有21家節約能源績優企業和12所推動能源教育優良學校,以及5個獲得家庭用戶節電競賽的績優縣市接受表揚,由行政院副院長陳沖親自頒獎,他希望全民都能響應節能減碳,留給子孫更美好的未來。

The Ministry of Economic Affairs held an awarding ceremony for energy-saving in 2011 yesterday. Twenty-one outstanding enterprises, twelve excellent schools and five counties and cities which won the competition of family electricity-saving were awarded. Vice primer of the Executive Yuan 陳沖 delivered the award to the prizewinners and hopes people be able to support energy-saving program and leave a better future for our children.

6. 農委會宣導國產米優質特色,特別舉辦「第一屆台灣百大米餐廳大賽」,即日起到11月30號,由全民參與推薦與票選,活動包含「台灣百大米餐廳」票選與「最優質白米飯」評鑑,由國人就各地餐廳進行評比,在網路上票選出前一百名最優質米餐廳。

To promote the specialty of local rice, Council of Agriculture specially holds a competition for one hundred rice restaurants in Taiwan from now on till November 30th. People who are interested in it can recommend good restaurants and join the election. The activity covers the election of top one hundred rice restaurant in Taiwan and the inspection and evaluation of the most excellent rice. People can go to each restaurant recommended to proceed the evaluation. The election for the best one hundred rice restaurants will be held through on-line service.

7. 新世代美國大學生越來越流行網路修課,不過,各大學校園還不會關門大吉。相反地,各大學的地點可能越來越重要,就和房地產一樣。全球經濟不景氣已經掃到大學了,許多大學城或工業大城由於當地的工廠或產業凋敝,連帶影響大學很難吸引到好的教授和學生,一些大學向當地企業界尋求合作,或設法活化校園周遭的社區環境,讓大學更有生氣、更具吸引力。

U.S college students nowadays would like to take credits through on-line service. However, each college will not be closed yet. On the contrary, the location of each college becomes more and more important just like real estate. The universities has been affected by global economic recession. It’s hard for a college to attract good professors and students if the factories or industries nearby are getting depressed. Some universities seek cooperation with local enterprises or try to vitalize the communities to make the schools work with more vigor and attraction.

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